Why a Business Plan is the first step to Entrepreneurship

Are you starting a small business? Are you launching a side hustle? Do you have an LLC? Why a Business Plan is the first step to Entrepreneurship.

~It gives you direction: The Small Business Association says... "Think of a business plan as a GPS to get your business going. A good business plan guides you through each stage of starting and managing your business. You’ll use your business plan like a GPS for how to structure, run, and grow your new business."

~It helps you course correct: Your business can move full steam ahead with quick pivots when you have a action plan.

~It will help you reach your growth goals: Goals provide focus. Brian Rashid a Forbes writer reports... "When you have carefully spelled out all your business’s mission and objectives on the business plan, tracking its execution and subsequent results would be a lot easier than when you didn’t even know what objective you were running towards."

~Clear Direction for your Team Structure: Organizational structure is key for proper growth. Defining various duties, business functions and titles will allow ease of daily business flow.

-Kayla Creek